Library Policy
Patrons are required to present their library card each time material is borrowed.
For children under 18, a parent/guardian must be present to receive a library card.
To receive a library card:
1. Driver’s License/Photo ID
2. Proof of Residence (Utility bill, bank statement, etc.)
Nonresidents of Marshall County must pay a one-time fee of $5.00 per family. Exceptions may be given for those who live within 10 miles of the county line. A library card will not be issued to anyone outside the state of Alabama.
Borrowing Privileges for Minors (Under 18)
To obtain a library card, minors under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian present with his/her library card. In addition, the parent or guardian must agree to permit the minor to have access to the entire library’s collection. The parent/guardian is responsible for any materials that the minor uses or checks out. If the parent/guardian denies permission for access to the entire library’s collection, a card will not be issued.
Arab Public Library must not deny service to anyone on the basis of age, race, sex or creed. Exercising discretion in the location of sexually explicit material or other material deemed by the public library board to be inappropriate for children or youth does not constitute a denial of service on the basis of age. Taking age into account when recommending, displaying, or otherwise actively promoting library materials does not constitute a denial of service on the basis of age.
Since fifteen minutes are required to obtain a library card, patrons must come to the circulation desk at least fifteen minutes before closing to obtain a card or replacement card.
Replacement library cards: $2.00
New Card: Limit 3 items (Ex.: 3 books or 2 books + 1 DVD or 1book, 1 audio, 1 DVD)
Subsequent checkouts- 10 items per card
Audio’s (5 per card)
DVD’s- 5 per card
All library patrons are responsible for any materials they use or check out. Materials must be returned in the same shape in which they were borrowed or pay a fee for damage. All borrowers must agree to pay for materials lost or for those which can no longer be used.
For minors under age 18, the parent/guardian is responsible for any materials used or checked out.
The following policies are necessary for accurate tracking of library materials and to insure fair access for all patrons. There are, though, situations when staff can use judgment when enforcing policy. If there is a question about enforcement, the Director or staff member in charge should be consulted.
1. Length of loans:
a. Books, audios and DVD’s 2 weeks
2. Loan Periods
a. All library materials are loaned for a two (2) week period except for the following:
Non-circulating materials (in-library use only)
i. reference materials
ii. current issues of periodicals
iii. newspapers
iv. microfilm
v. toys and puzzles
3. New Card: Limit 3 items (Ex.: 3 books or 2 books + 1 DVD or 1book, 1 audio, 1 DVD)
Subsequent checkouts- 10 items per card
Audio’s (5 per card)
DVD’s- 5 per card
4. Number of items loaned: 10 per patron per library card
5. Number of items loans per topic: 3 items
6. Renewals:
New books, new audios and new DVD’s cannot be renewed. All other materials may be rechecked one time only, in person, online or by telephone More renewals may be made at the discretion of the staff or Director, if necessary. If items are overdue at time of renewal, patron must pay a late fee at time of renewal. If the maximum number of check outs have been reached, patron must return the item. The item can be rechecked after a three-day waiting period.
7. Reserves:
Patrons may reserve up to three (3) items at a time. Items on reserve will be held at the circulation desk for up to 3 business days after patron has been notified. If the 3rd business day passes, the item will be removed from the reserve shelf for that patron and given to the next patron waiting or placed back on the main shelf.
8. Lost or damaged materials:
Lost books must be paid for at original cost. Damaged materials that cannot be returned to the shelf are considered lost. Damaged books that can be returned to the shelf will be assessed by staff for up to half the cost of item.
9. Interlibrary Loan:
Any patron with a library card in good standing may request materials not available in this library and that are not published in the current year. Two weeks is the average time to receive these materials. Only four (4) requests may be made at a time per patron. These materials must be returned in satisfactory condition and on time for return to the lending library. Postage charge, $5.00 per item.
Overdues: Per Day Late
Books $.10
Audios $.25
Play-Away Audio $1.00
DVD’s $1.00
Interlibrary Loan $.25
(Per day, not counting days we are closed)
New Library Card: First card is Free for Marshall County residents ($5.00 outside Marshall County)
Lost/Replace: Book Price of book
Audio Price of audio
Play-Away Audio Price of Play-Away Audio
DVD Price of DVD
Copies: B/W $.25
Color $.50
Faxes: First Page $2.00
Each additional $1.00
Interlibrary Loan Postage $5.00 per item
Computer users must have an Arab Public Library card and be in good standing. Visitors who wish to use a computer MUST present a valid picture ID.
In order to use the computers available to the public at the Arab Public Library, the patron must read and accept the guidelines. These are on computer screen after logging in.
Use of the computers is a privilege and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of this privilege. All users of electronic information resources are expected to use these items in a responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which they are provided and to follow these policies and regulations.
Responsible and ethical use of such resources include the following:
1. Using Internet resources for educational, informational and recreational purposes only. These computer terminals are not to be used for illegal or criminal purposes.
2. Respecting the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another user, by not seeking unauthorized access to any computer system or damaging or altering software components of any network or database.
3. Respecting the privacy of others using terminals at Arab Public Library by not interfering with their use.
4. NO tampering with or changing hardware or software.
5. Time limits: Time limits are controlled by a time management software. You may renew usage time if at least one (1) computer is not in use and available.
6. Patrons must be willing to pay for all copies.
Illegal acts involving Library computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.
The Arab Public Library complies with the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) [Pub.L.No.106-554and47USC254(h)].
Children under the age of 18 must have parental permission to use the Internet. The Arab Public Library assumes no responsibility for the use of Internet by children. The Library uses a content blocker to filter material on the Internet. It is set to block pornography. However, it is not possible for library staff to control specific information children or young adults may find on the Internet. Therefore, parents are expected to monitor and supervise their children’s use of the Internet.
Parents are required to sign an Internet Consent Form before children under the age of 18 are allowed to access the Internet. The signature on this form is legally bonding and indicates the party has read the terms and conditions of the Arab Public Library Internet Use Policy and understands their significance.
The misuse or abuse of the Internet access computer will result in suspension of Internet access privileges. Persons using this equipment agree not to make any changes to the setup or configuration of the software or hardware.
Library staff will assist patron with Internet use as time permits, but may not be familiar with every application that a person might wish to use. Library staff will not assist in financial transactions/matters. Reference staff is always available to assist patrons in locating books about the Internet. We cannot provide complete technical support.
1. Terminals may not be used for profit making activities.
2. Computer users shall avoid the sending, receiving and displaying of text or graphics that may be reasonably construed as obscene and offensive by library staff.
3. Computer users shall obey the laws and regulations of computer application to copyright, licensed software and data.
4. No more than TWO people at each work station.
5. The computer station is a QUIET area. No running, crying cell phone calls or loud talk, please.
The Director has the right to change or add to this policy as it applies to the Arab Public Library, subject to Board approval.
Arab Public Library will provide free Internet access for users with any wireless device 24 hours per day. This will allow users to access the Internet from their device when sitting in range of the wireless signal.
Library staff will provide general information on the settings necessary to access the Internet via these connections, but are not responsible for any changes made to a patron’s device settings and cannot guarantee their hardware will work with our wireless connection.
If a user has problems accessing the Internet over these connections, staff will verify the Library’s connections are working but cannot assist in making changes to the user’s network settings or perform any troubleshooting on the user’s device.
As with most public wireless ‘hotspots’, the Library’s wireless connection is not secure. Any information being sent or received could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user. Cautious and informed wireless users should choose not to transmit their credit card information, passwords and any other sensitive personal information while using any wireless ‘hotspot’. Please take appropriate precautions when using this service.
The Library will not be responsible for any information that is compromised, or for any damage caused to patron’s device due to electrical surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or hacking. All wireless access users should have up-to-date virus protection on their devices.
Printers are not available via the wireless connection. If a patron needs to print, they will need to email the file to a publicly accessible email. Patron can then us a public computer to access the file. Patrons may also email files directly to the designated library email to be printed by staff.
Use of wireless internet is governed by our Computer Use/Internet Policy. All users are expected to use the Library’s wireless access in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purpose for which it is provided. Users may not violate federal, state or local laws, including the transmission or receiving of child pornography or harmful material, fraud or downloading copyrighted material.
Displays, Exhibits, Bulletin Board:
All items to be displayed and posted on the community bulletin board must be approved by the Director. Ordinarily, any community event can have bulletin board space, providing the poster is not too large.
Signs, posters, displays and decorations may be put up as long as they are removed promptly after the program or vent is over.
NO political or religious materials.
NO business ads.
Any materials displayed or otherwise actively promoted to children or youth must receive advance approval.
The Library may proctor exams for any student, subject to availability of authorized staff. A minimum of one-week advance notice is required before any test will be proctored. In addition, all test taking requirements must be received from the issuing educational institution before any tests are taken. If you would like to arrange for the Library to proctor an exam, please call 256-586-3366.
The Library charges $2.00 for the first page and $1.00 for each additional page for any items to be faxed.
Parents and Guardians:
We are glad to have you and your child as library users. We hope the wide variety of materials and services that we provide will meet your library needs.
Children under age 12 must be accompanied by a responsible adult (age 18 or older) at ALL times while in the library. Responsible adult must be present inside the library.
All patrons will be expected to display appropriate behavior, conductive to maintaining a peaceful atmosphere while in the building.
Cell phones must be silenced in the Library. Use of cell phones by library patrons while inside the Library is prohibited. Patrons may be asked to take their calls into the foyer area.